1st prize in a competition for the artistic design of the the new building of the Central Office for Postal Engineering in Darmstadt.
Awarding authority: Oberpostdirektion (Regional Post Office Administration), Frankfurt am Main
"Horst Gläsker belongs to that generation of Düsseldorf artists who, around 1980, took a stand against formal purism and against the overly rational abstraction
of modern art and sought a way back to the fantastic and narrative in artistic expression. Unlike the so-called "Neo-Expressionists", in whose environment Gläsker developed
his individuality, as did many others, he sought his subject matter not among current urban themes but rather in the magic, enigma and sensuality of the fabulous worlds of yore.
Gifted with an ebullient talent for colour compositions of extreme iridescence and luminosity, for the decorative and the ornamental, Gläsker soon created his own unmistakable style..."
Quoted, in translation, from: Klaus Wolbert, opening ceremony, Central Office for Postal Engineering in Darmstadt, 1990